For 24 years Seed west has built a trusted reputation in the marketplace for providing high quality ‘’ native’’ seeds, Seeds are harvested by Seed West staff,under strict supervision and never purchased from outside sources.
This way there is never doubt as to the correct provenance and correct identification of the species we harvest.
Seeds are provided to Horticulture and Industry –(both Retail and Wholesale)
Contact us for an ‘emailable’ catalogue showing species and prices.
End users include Nurseries, Growers-Landscapers-Home enthusiasts- Revegetation Projects- Land care-, Direct seeding -Mining Universities –Laboratories and Research-Main roads –all environmental projects and end users requiring the need for local ‘endemic’ seed.
Other Services we offer include –Seed harvesting contracts-Vegetation Surveys-Seed collection to order-Seed cleaning-Seeding advise and tailored mixes for your project,habitat and locality.
General advise is willingly offered free, with concern for you purchasing the correct species and outcome for your particular project.
Here at Seed West, our work standards are very high and we ensure that our customers gets the best service at competitive rates. We adhere to strict protocols and all our staff are licensed and experienced. We harvest seed in an environmentally sustainable manner, and select seed from the healthiest individuals under strict supervision.
When it comes to advise on using 'NATIVE PLANTS' for Revegetation and Horticulture'' Seed West has the expertise and knowledge to advise you best. We have been harvesting endemic seed, under strict licensing conditions for 22 years and offer a huge range of local seed, suitable for your area. We guarantee top quality seed, professional advice and fast and efficient service.
Contact us for our species pricelist, for personal quotations and advice, pleasurably given, on all aspects of growing tips and species selection for your area.
TREES (Overstory)
LARGE SHRUBS (mid stratum)
SMALL SHRUBS (understorey)